Sunday, January 22, 2012

The constant need to be better.

I've been wanting, striving to be better than what I can really be. Sometimes it makes me sick. Sick in the stomach. So sick that I feel that I need to throw up, or just regurgitate something out of my system. I forgot how to live.

"I need to be better." Phrases like these pop up in my head whenever I get my results. Even though its an 'A', I tell myself that I need to be better. I beat up myself over a 'B' and I kill myself whenever I see a "C". I just refuse to stop... I want to stop. But I just cant. I want to switch off for a day and watch the world go by, and not care about a single thing.

Watching movies, sometimes I get jealous of the various characters. Them living their dreams, doing what they love.

There is a void that must be filled. You said, 'look for Me, and i will find.'